Give Away
I created this blog on February 3, 2009 so that I could participate in my daughter's blog ( ) challenges. She has since gotten busy with other things and hasn't posted recently. According to my blog count this will by my 100
th post. As I have seen with other blogs this is cause for a celebration and a give away. It has been a while since my last post for a few reasons: I have been busy with the holidays; I have been spending as much time as possible with our granddaughter, I have a day job which because it is teaching
also translates into a night job; but most of all I couldn't decide what to give away. I would like it have been something that I made, but if I wait for that to happen, it could be next year before I post again. So in the interest of of moving on, I decided to give away the book pictured below. It is Making Gifts With Rubber Stamps by Sandra McCall. And if you are not a rubber stamper, the ideas can be used with other media. I will do a drawing on January 10, 2010 for the book. I will put
every one's name into a hat and have my husband draw the winning name. To be eligible please leave a comment on this post with your email. If you are the winner, I will contact you for a mailing address.

A Castle For A Princess
At a recent visit to Barnes and Noble I found a book on craft ideas for a princess.
I had put the book on the stairs to take it upstairs before my granddaughter could see it since I wanted to collect supplies so that I would have what we needed when she saw the book and wanted to make something. Well, she spied the book before it made it up the stairs, but luckily we had the supplies for the project she wanted to make, a castle for her 3 inch high set of princesses. And of course the princesses needed a prince which Grammy drew with a pencil and glued to a piece of a paper towel roll. Our princess wanted him left as he was, no need for coloring. This has provided countless minutes (we don't do anything for hours yet, although this comes close) of entertainment, as the princesses change clothes a few times, go to to ball, get married, and then do it all again.